Wednesday, 26 September 2012

My New Hair!

This is going to be a really quick post to inform you guys about my new hair!
I have always loved the ombre look, it looks amazing on blonde's, brunettes, red heads, you can do it with colour or naturally! Earlier in the year, I dip dyed it red, and loved it. Recently, I decided I would like to have it properly ombred with blonde at the bottom for my birthday, so today, I had it done!
Although she can be rather irritating at times, Gabriella Ellis has simply amazing style. I have always loved the Made in Chelsea stars look. Whilst I was not quite brave enough to venture for her rainbow ombre, I loved the look of her hair when it is done naturally! This was when I first started to get into the look.
Also, Zoella was one of my inspirations. Zoe is stunning, and has the most beautiful, lavish hair that I am extremely jealous of! I really wanted something along the same lines as her!
Gabby and Zoe are not the only people I have loved it on, but they are my favourite examples! If you google ombre hair, there is no end of celebrities that have the look!
So I finally bit the bullet and had it done. Here is a picture of how it currently looks. (Excuse the bad picture quality, it was taken on the iPad)
I will keep you updated on the products I use on it, keeping it healthy, and ways I will style it, but seeing as I just got it, I am still getting used to it! I love it!
What are your thoughts on the ombre look?


  1. It looks great and I have to say omg because I bought the L'oreal kit over a week ago but still haven't done mine loool, xoxo.

  2. Btw thanks for tagging me, here's my post,, xoxo.

  3. It looks great on you!:) I'm a new follower!

    Belle Epoque

  4. You should deffo do it! I love mine!! xoxo

  5. Great choices! And your welcome! xoxo
